
critical condition (病的)危險狀態;臨界狀態。

critical days

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 至少兩名學生處于危險狀態,三名學生情況已穩定,其余的在處理后出院。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 至少兩人生命垂危,另外三人情況穩定,其他中毒學生經過治療痊愈出院。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 兩名生命垂危,另外3名情況已漸漸穩定,其余的經治療已經痊愈出院。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 其中兩名學生情況嚴重, 3名病情已經穩定,其余都已無大礙并已出院。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 至少2人生命垂危,另外3人情況穩定,其余學生經過治療出院了。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 其中兩人仍未脫離危險狀態,三人病情穩定,其余已治愈出院。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 兩人處于危險狀態,三人基礎穩定,目前正作休息放松治療。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 至少2人危在旦夕, 3名比較穩定,其余經治療后全部出院。

Emergency evacuation system will ensure the confidence of people working in critical condition 應急逃生系統的配置奠定了作業人員在險惡環境作業的信心。

Two are at least in critical condition , three more are stable , the rest were treated and released 其中2名情況嚴重, 3個情況穩定,其余人經診治后出院。

Ce ' s rating has rebounded 3 points after that , but he is still in a critical condition 特首的民望從谷底回升3分,勢頭有所轉變,但仍未渡過危險時期。

The woman was admitted to hospital in critical condition while the male in stable condition 他們被送往聯合醫院診治。女子情況危殆,男子則穩定。

One victim was reported in critical condition , and police say five others have serious wounds 據報導,一名受害者情況危急,其他5人傷勢嚴重。

Critical condition of sedimentation and characterization of tin nanograin in vacuum arc reaction 顆粒在真空電弧反應中沉降的臨界條件及其表征

He was still in a very critical condition , but that the doctor said now that there was more hope 他的傷勢很危險,但醫生現在說還大有希望。

The man has been rushed to the queen mary hospital and is presently in critical condition 該名男子被送往伊莉沙伯醫院搶救,目前情況危殆。

The man was rushed to north district hospital to which he was admitted in a critical condition 他其后被送到北區醫院留醫,現時情況危殆。

Three of the patients were in critical condition with gunshot wounds to the head or chest 有三名頭部或者胸部中槍的患者仍處在危險期。

The psychological demand of parent of pediatric patients in critical conditions and nursing strategy 危重患兒家屬的心理需求及護理對策